Instructions for proceedings

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer "Astrophysics and Space Science (ApSS)" journal with a hardcover book, with the following page allocation:

Please note that contributions shorter than 3 pages will not be accepted.

Submission of the contributions can be done through the Springer online submission and review system, Editorial Manager. When entering the article type, please choose "special issue ALMA (Dr. Bachiller)".

Style files needed are available at the URL,11855,5-40043-0-0-0,00.html (Journals LaTeX macro packages / general macro package). Please choose the two-column document class to have an output the same as the print version (see the user guide downloaded in our server as of Jan 22 2007).

Please remember also to fill in the Consent to Publish and Transfer of Copyright form.

Hard deadline for submision of contributions to the conference proceedings is January 31, 2007.

Springer informs that "Macros causes big conflict with EM at the moment of building the pdf. Authors that are about or trying to submit a paper and encounter these problems should forget about the style files and to upload a postscript file of their paper including the figures and everything, the typesetter will take care of setting the paper in the right format."

If you have problems, please contact Ms. Marieke Mol at