Hotel information

We have made a block reservation of 20 rooms at Hotel Agumar**** in Madrid, which is within walking distance (5-10 mins) to OAN. The room rates are: 97 euros per night for a single room, 113 euros per night for a double room in single use, and 128 euros/night for a double room (2 persons), buffet breakfast included. Please mention the code "Observatorio" when booking your room not later than October 15 2010 (best by email to Juan Pedro Gomez at, or telephone +3491-5526900). You are probably to guarantee your room with a credit card.

Hotel Location: and contact details:
Paseo Reina Cristina, 7
28014 Madrid, Spain
Telephone: (+34) 915526900
Fax: (+34) 914336095

Another choice is Hotel NH Nacional**** in Madrid, also within walking distance to OAN.