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EVGA2015 Proceedings

As already mentioned at the meeting, we plan to produce proceedings of the EVGA 2015 meeting. Please find below the important details on how to prepare and submit your contribution.

  1. The format:
    Please use LaTeX to write our proceeding contributions. We provide a class-file here and an example tex-file here (or download both from this zip file). The page limit is 5 pages and please use graphical material in pdf-format. NOTE: While figures may be produced in colour (and will be displayed as such in the online version of the proceedings), beware that the printed version will be in b/w, so the authors must ensure that the b/w printout of their colour figures are readable.
  2. The submission:
    Send your files ("your-last-name".tex and "your-last-name-figure-number".pdf) to evga2015@raege.net . If you have several contributions, please identify the tex- and pdf-files clearly by e.g. numbering the different contributions.

The deadline for your contributions is 31 August 2015.