You may download the EVGA2019 book of abstracts.
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Sunday, March 17 | ||||||
Icebreaker reception | Register, get your badge, meet your friends, have fun! | 19:00-21:00 | ||||
Monday, March 18 | ||||||
Opening ceremony of the EVGA 2019 | 09:00-09:30 | ||||
Session 1.1 | 09:30-10:30, chair: Gino Tuccari |
O101 |
José Antonio López-Fernández | The current status of RAEGE | 09:30-09:45 | |||
O102 | Rüdiger Haas | Status of the Onsala twin telescopes | 09:45-10:00 | |||
O103 | Leif Morgen Tangen | Status for the establishment of a new fundamental site in Ny-Ålesund | 10:00-10:15 | |||
O104 | Jinling Li | The Sheshan 13-m radio telescope | 10:15-10:30 | |||
coffee break | 10:30-11:00 | |||||
Session 1.2 | 11:00-12:00, chair: Evgeny Nosov |
O105 | Michael Lösler | Measuring focal-length variations of VGOS-telescopes using unmanned aerial systems | 11:00-11:15 | |||
O106 |
Pablo de Vicente | Instrumentation developed for VGOS at IGN Yebes Observatory | 11:15-11:30 | |||
O107 | Gino Tuccari | DBBC3 towards the BRAND EVN receiver | 11:30-11:45 | |||
O108 | Walter Alef | BRAND - A wideband receiver for astronomy and geodesy | 11:45-12:00 | |||
"stretch your legs" break | 12:00-12:15 | |||||
Session 1.3 | 12:15-13:15, chair: Pablo de Vicente |
O109 | Evgeny Nosov | The stability of delay in VLBI digital backends | 12:15-12:30 | |||
O110 | Jakob Gruber | A simulation to generate VLBI baseband data in Matlab | 12:30-12:45 | |||
O111 | Roberto Ricci | Optical fiber links used in VLBI networks and remote clock comparisons: the LIFT/MetGesp project | 12:45-13:00 | |||
O112 | Mamoru Sekido | Italy-Japan broadband VLBI experiment for optical clock comparison | 13:00-13:15 | |||
lunch break | 13:15-14:15 | |||||
Session 1.4 | 14:15-15:15, chair: Walter Alef |
O113 | Xin Zheng | Researching and application of VLBI differential phase delay in lunar exploration | 14:15-14:30 | |||
O114 | Walter Brisken | Status and development plans of the VLBA | 14:30-14:45 | |||
O115 | Aard Keimpema | Recent technical developments at JIVE | 14:45-15:00 | |||
O116 | Tetsuro Kondo | Comparison of results between CVN and K5 software correlators | 15:00-15:15 | |||
"stretch your legs" break | 15:15-15:30 | |||||
Session 2.1 | 15:30-16:30, chair: Aletha de Witt |
O201 | Laura La Porta | The Bonn Correlation Center and VGOS | 15:30-15:45 | |||
O202 | Walter Alef | The EU-VGOS project | 15:45-16:00 | |||
O203 | Maria Eugenia Gomez | Implementation of a geodetic path at the JIVE correlator | 16:00-16:15 | |||
O204 | Takahiro Wakasugi | Activity report on the Asia-Oceania VLBI Group (AOV) | 16:15-16:30 | |||
coffee break | 16:30-17:00 | |||||
Session 2.2 | 17:00-18:00, chair: Laura La Porta |
O205 | Aletha de Witt | The Southern VLBI Operations Centre | 17:00-17:15 | |||
O206 | Matthias Schartner | Results with the scheduling software VieSched++ | 17:15-17:30 | |||
O207 | Christian Plötz | INT9 - dUT1 determination between the geodetic observatories AGGO and Wettzell | 17:30-17:45 | |||
O208 | Torben Schüler | LCONT18 - The local continuous measurement campaign at Wettzell of 2018 | 17:45-18:00 | |||
Poster session | Look at all the nice posters! | 18:00-19:30 | ||||
Tuesday, March 19 | ||||||
Session 2.3 | 09:00-09:45, chair: Torben Schüler |
O209 | Jing Sun | Preliminary work on promoting radar astronomical study | 09:00-09:15 | |||
O210 | Oleg Titov | Observations of radio sources near the Sun | 09:15-09:30 | |||
O211 | Alexander Neidhardt | Autonomous observations of VLBI radio telescopes | 09:30-09:45 | |||
"stretch your legs" break | 09:45-10:00 | |||||
Session 3.1 | 10:00-10:45, chair: Arthur Niell |
O301 | Dan MacMillan | Analysis of EOP and scale from the simultaneous CONT17 networks | 10:00-10:15 | |||
O302 | Johannes Böhm | CONT17 from a VieVS perspective | 10:15-10:30 | |||
O303 | Maria Davis | The IERS Rapid Service / Prediction Center UT1-UTC combined solution: Present and future Contributions | 10:30-10:45 | |||
coffee break | 10:45-11:15 | |||||
Session 3.2 | 11:15-12:00, chair: Dan MacMillan |
O304 | Anastasiia Girdiuk | Analysis of regular and specific intensive sessions | 11:15-11:30 | |||
O305 | Armin Corbin | Scheduling of twin telescopes and the impact on troposphere and UT1 estimation | 11:30-11:45 | |||
O306 | Arthur Niell | VLBI tie between the KOKEE12M and KOKEE20M antennas | 11:45-12:00 | |||
"stretch your legs" break | 12:00-12:15 | |||||
Session 3.3 | 12:15-13:15, chair: Johannes Böhm |
O307 | Axel Nothnagel | Gravitational deformation investigations and their impact on global telescope coordinates: The Onsala 20 m radio telescope case | 12:15-12:30 | |||
O308 | John Gipson | Gravitational deformation of VLBI antennas and the impact on the TRF | 12:30-12:45 | |||
O309 | Matthias Glomsda | Impact of non-tidal loading in VLBI analysis | 12:45-13:00 | |||
O310 | Kyriakos Balidakis | How does geophysical loading affect Earth rotation? Simulations and reality | 13:00-13:15 | |||
lunch break | 13:15-14:15 | |||||
Session 3.4 | 14:15-15:15, chair: Axel Nothnagel |
O311 | Víctor Puente | Comparison of troposphere delays from GNSS and VLBI in R1 and R4 sessions | 14:15-14:30 | |||
O312 | Periklis-Konstantinos Diamantidis | Comparison of tropospheric delay estimation using VLBI CONT14 data and WVR for the Onsala station | 14:30-14:45 | |||
O313 | Tobias Nilsson | An assessment of the tropospheric parameters estimated from the CONT17 campaign | 14:45-15:00 | |||
O314 | Frédéric Jaron | An analytical VLBI delay formula for Earth satellites | 15:00-15:15 | |||
"stretch your legs" break | 15:15-15:30 | |||||
Session 3.5 | 15:30-16:15, chair: John Gipson |
O315 | Grzegorz Klopotek | Geodetic VLBI observation of lunar radio sources - Current status and recommendations for future research | 15:30-15:45 | |||
O316 | Benedikt Soja | Ionospheric calibration for K-band celestial reference frames | 15:45-16:00 | |||
O317 | Karine Le Bail | Time stability of the K-band catalog sources | 16:00-16:15 | |||
coffee break | 16:15-16:45 | |||||
Session 3.6 | 16:45-17:45, chair: Karine Le Bail |
O318 | Patrick Charlot | ICRF3, the new realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame | 16:45-17:00 | |||
O319 | James M. Anderson | Toward imaging 3000+ ICRF sources from closure quantities from 1979-present | 17:00-17:15 | |||
O320 | Lucas Hunt | VLBA Imaging of ICRF 3 sources | 17:15-17:30 | |||
O321 | Arnaud Collioud | The Bordeaux VLBI Image Database (BVID) | 17:30-17:45 | |||
"stretch your legs" break | 17:45-18:00 | |||||
Session 3.7 | 18:00-19:00, chair: Patrick Charlot |
O322 | Ming Hui Xu | Structure effects in broadband VGOS data | 18:00-18:15 | |||
O323 | Sergei Bolotin | The source structure effect in broadband observations | 18:15-18:30 | |||
O324 | Simin Salarpour | Source structure effects in the next generation of VLBI observations | 18:30-18:45 | |||
O325 | Leonid Petrov | Remaining problems in geodesy / astrometry VLBI and approaches to their solutions | 18:45-19:00 | |||
Rüdiger Haas | Closing remarks | 19:00-19:15 | ||||
EVGA dinner | 20:00-23:59 | |||||
Posters | ||||||
Session 1 | ||||||
P101 | David Cordobés | Status of the future RAEGE radiotelescope at Gran Canaria |
P102 | Andrea Prudencio | First steps in gravitational deformation modeling of the VLBI Yebes radio telescopes | ||||
P103 | Gunnar Elgered | The Onsala Tide Gauge Station: Experiences from the first three years of operation | ||||
P104 | Hiroshi Munekane | VLBI-GNSS collocation survey at the Ishioka VLBI station | ||||
P105 | Nataliya Zubko | Progress and current status on VGOS project at the Metsähovi Geodetic Research Station | ||||
P106 | Alexander Neidhardt | Centralized monitoring of VLBI antennas for seamless auxiliary data | ||||
P107 | Alexander Neidhardt | Remote access to the NASA Field System via Web browser | ||||
P108 | Weimin Zheng | Space low-frequency radio observatory and the Earth-moon VLBI experiment | ||||
P109 | Ahmad Jaradat | An artificial radio signal for VLBI satellite tracking | ||||
Session 2 | ||||||
P201 | Xuan He | Mixed-mode VLBI observations with Chinese stations in APSG40 | ||||
P202 | Christopher Dieck | Intensive sessions with the Mauna Kea VLBA Station | ||||
P203 | Dirk Behrend | Roll-out status of the VGOS network | ||||
P204 | Hayo Hase | Argentinean-German Geodetic Observatory (AGGO) | ||||
P205 | Karen Baver | The effect of source flux catalog latency on IVS-INT01 scheduling | ||||
P206 | Marisa Nickola | HartRAO local tie measurements: VLBI and ground survey | ||||
P207 | Matthias Schartner | Impact of different observing rates on geodetic results | ||||
P208 | Matthias Schartner | In-depth analysis of schedules optimized for certain VLBI experiments using VieSched++ | ||||
P209 | Michael Lösler | A modified approach for process-integrated reference point determination | ||||
P210 | Fengchun Shu | High sensitivity astrometry with the AOV | ||||
P211 | Jakob Gruber | Vienna correlation activities | ||||
P212 | Ed Himwich | 2018 IVS Network Performance | ||||
P213 | Dhanya G. Nair | GMVA image database at 86 GHz now online | ||||
P214 | Juan Zhang | The progress of CVN Software correlator and its applications | ||||
Session 3 | ||||||
P301 | Andreas Hellerschmied | Vienna VLBI Analysis Center (VIE) | ||||
P302 | Christopher S. Jacobs | The X/Ka-band 2019a celestial frame | ||||
P303 | Esther Azcue | VLBI analyses at the National Geographic Institute of Spain | ||||
P304 | Hana Krásná | Earth orientation parameters estimated from K-band VLBA measurements | ||||
P305 | Helene Wolf | AUA047: Students at TU Wien organize their own VLBI session | ||||
P306 | Aletha de Witt | The K-band (24 GHz) Celestial Reference Frame | ||||
P307 | Markus Mikschi | Comparison of integrated LOD values from GNSS and AAM to dUT1 from VLBI | ||||
P308 | Niko Kareinen | Simulated combined effect of extended source structure and baseline geometry to geodetic parameters estimated with VLBI | ||||
P309 | Sabine Bachmann | Combination of IVS intensive sessions' approach, benefit, and operability | ||||
P310 | Susanne Lunz | Radio source position offsets among various radio frames and Gaia | ||||
P311 | Suxia Gong | Comparison of ionospheric delays between VLBI and GNSS | ||||
P312 |
Tuomas Savolainen | NT-VGOS - Mitigating the source structure errors in the VGOS era | ||||
P313 | Simona Di Tomaso | Inter-comparison of GNSS and VLBI tropospheric parameters at co-located sites in Italy | ||||
P314 | Víctor Puente | Comparison of VLBI-based series of celestial pole offsets | ||||
P315 | Ming Hui Xu | Comparison between time series of closure analysis and source positions since 1980 | ||||
P316 | Svetlana Mironova | Diurnal and sub-diurnal EOP variations from VLBI global solution |